Web To Climate is developing dedicated  AI tools to quantify societal impacts and response to weather and climate risks.

Important background concepts:

Our activities are uniquely lying at the intersection of information technology, climate and atmospheric sciences. In a nutshell we focus on the concepts of weather, climate, renewable energy and web using a plethora of state of the art analytics to support decision-making on adaptation, sustainability and resilience.


Weather refers to the atmospheric conditions at a certain location and time. It is not uncommon for atmospheric systems such as cyclones and storms to deliver high impact weather with important socio-economic consequences. We use a plethora of datasets, models and dedicated tools to identify high impact weather and provide tailored information on imminent risks.

Climate refers to the statistical distribution of atmospheric parameters over a long, typically 30+ year time period, either at a specific location or averaged over a region. Climate change then denotes a statistically robust change of these distributions. Our analytics provide insights on weather systems and relevant hazards will evolve in the future.

Renewable energies derive from natural sources, replenished faster than they are consumed. Wind and  solar radiation are the most promising renewable energy sources and the most relevant to climate change. We use all available weather and climate datasets to address energy demands in a changing climate and combine web analytics to understand and predict behavioral response and impacts to open public and economic activities.

Web is the endless information system where we find, refine and evaluate raw information relevant to environmental hazards and climate change risks. Our web analytics are combined in a unique way with numerical tools on weather and climate datasets to quantify socio-economic impacts in a changing world.

More about us

Our ambition:

Interactions between the scientific communities on climate and weather are limited. More than that, it is only a small fraction of relevant research that addresses directly the socio-economic challenges risen from climate change. WTOC has the ambition to fill this gap by combining research tools on weather and climate with web analytics and scientific knowledge. Socio-economic responses to extreme weather events, quantification of impacts from weather hazards and relevant estimations in a changing climate is our overarching objective.

By Ioannis Raptis November 19, 2024
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By Ioannis Raptis October 25, 2024
Our latest video for ML4NGP COST Action has just been published. Scope of the video is to call scientists involved in NonGlobular proteins research, to participate in the Action. In the meantime the importance of these proteins is highlighted.
By Ioannis Raptis June 3, 2024
1st Plenary meeting of OCEANIDS project was a great success, beginning with warm welcomes and engaging discussions on project management, communication, and stakeholder engagement, highlighting our progress and innovative strategies. A standout moment was our insightful visit to the Port of Helsinki, where we explored its operations and cutting-edge sustainability initiatives. The way for thriving all aspects of the project has been paved
By Ioannis Raptis March 26, 2024
This is the explanatory video, we have created for the HARMONIA COST Action . This video in 6 minutes explains in the plain word, the basics about Atmospheric Aerosols and the principles of most common measuring approaches. We hope that our work adds a small puzzle piece in popular understanding of current Atmospheric science.
By Ioannis Raptis December 21, 2023
The two days kick-off Meeting of OCEANIDS took place on Tuesday 12 and Wednesday 13 of December 2023 at Parthenon hotel in Athens. During the meeting, all project partners had the chance to introduce their organizations, their involvement in the project and their scope of work. In addition, a really detailed presentation of the ports acting as end users of the Oceanids project, gave to the participants the opportunity to learn about their challenges and their needs. WTOC is leading WP 2 and organized the joint presentation of all partners and scheduled forthcoming meetins.
By Ioannis Raptis December 10, 2023
MEDCYCLONES' medicane video
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